Very Good Fishing

It’s time to head it to the house to recharge my batteries and enjoy some family time. I ended this string of trips today with the Valentine family. The fishing was as it was all week. Which is pretty damn good. We fished till 1 before we had our fish due to some conversion issues. But finished the day strong. Now it’s going to be a enjoyable two days off. Then back at it for a week or so. 10429497_727866770592440_6897654297353837079_n

Rob and Eric Get Into The Tuna!

I had Rob and his son Eric back on the boat again this year. And the trip went almost a carbon copy of last years trip. Except without there marlin. The following day I had Doug Madden which was a group of farmers. At first they thought tuna fishing was gonna be easy but quickly learned that a tunafish is not a redfish. It was a great trip with lots of good natured ribbing the whole day. The only time that wasn’t going was when we were hiding behind a rig to knock down the wind and rain from a wicked thundetstorm that caught us. Two great days that had is north bound by noon. That kind of fishing you can’t beat. 603681_722679951111122_111624387111830845_n 10501971_722679791111138_896670954439208200_n 10524363_722679914444459_8959896459639455879_n 10547412_722679894444461_7248778005162524144_n

Excellent Tuna Fishing!

I have been fishing everyday and haven’t had time to write a report, but one of my customers from the 24th wrote up an amazing report and here it is: —– “Well, my wife has wanted to do a night in New Orleans for a while. A few months ago I floated the idea of a nice meal there, a casual drive down to Venice the following day and then a tuna trip. Surprisingly enough, she took the bait. Don’t get me wrong, she loves to fish, but it was awesome to think that she was willing to let us spend that kind of expense and time away from home when it essentially revolved around fishing.

Rolled into NOLA around 4:30 on Thursday afternoon and walked around a bit having a drink here and there while waiting on our dinner reservations at Herbsaint and for our friend to fly in from Fort Worth. He got in around 7:30 and we made our dinner reservation just in time. Great meal. I had the musgovey duck leg, which was divine; only complaint is that I could have eaten about 8 of them… fat boys like their food.

Woke up the next day and made our way down to Venice. Got there at the exact same time that another angler did who had driven straight form PC. We got all situated on house boat and had plenty of time to watch some fish come in, have a few drinks, grill some steaks and talk about the day tocome. Next day came quickly. Here’s Mike’s new 36 Yellowfin at Cypress Cove. cypresscovemarina_zpsdc1cdde9 Within no time we had drinks / food loaded, truck parked and we were making our way down the river. headedout_zpsfa93e534 In the picture above we are about to be into open water and ready to net some bait. We saw a few popping out here and there, but not enough to toss on. Rather than spending time (and shoulder ligaments) tossing on onsies and twosies, Mike kept easing down a particular shoal and we found them a good bit thicker maybe 30 minutes later. Two casts and we had probably 80 pogies in the barrel. Time to go fishing!

Live baits, great conditions and we’re ready! happybirthday_zpse8366c7f We ran about 30 nm and in no time we have our first customer! Birthday girl on the rod… valhookedupfirstfish_zps5c228749 She made short work of an average sized late-May / June fish and in no time it was on deck…. firstfishofday_zpscaea5ec4 We all high fived and Mike pulled out the heart offered her a bite after her first tuna. She willingly took a chomp out, but didn’t chew for long. Unfortunately, I don’t yet have the picture of this scene, or the one with a nice first-kill swipe of blood across her faith.

After that, we put one line back out and not long after that we caught another similarly sized fish on a live bait. Buddy from TX whooped him pretty quick and we tossed this guy on ice. 2ndfishofday_zps087fe57a After this, we had a little lull, but not much of one. Yours truly wanted to make a move, but we were marking fish above 200’ and Mike said let’s stay put. Most folks were up front chilling on the rail when I saw a fish bust within 100’ off to port. I ran forward grabbed the popper rod and hooked one up on first cast….

Me on the popper rod… meonpopper_zps960dd9ca Popper fish in box… popperinbox_zps59ca1fb0 After this our next fish came on a live bait and it was solid… About to come over the rail… 4thfishoverrail_niceone_zps0c72f861 Wife with a hero shot… And CLEARLY best picture of the trip! valtuna_zps7c345d59 Same fish… goodfish_zps6bf76b7e Me with the fish… tuna_zpsc9c12db8 After this we hooked up on a double. The larger of the two fish hit first (crashed a slow trolled live bait) and then a second rod went off fishing same thing. I hopped on the smaller fish and boated it fairly quickly. We were then sitting on 6 fish. After a good fight (and a little bit of embarrassing rod-passing) we boated another real nice fish. This made 7 nice tunas and bonus fish number 2. We messed around for another 35 minutes or so and headed home. In that 35 minutes I had a fish boil on a popper and we watched another boat put a 35-30 pound fish in. We probably could have soaked out another fish or two, but we had 5 average fish and two real nice ones given the time of the year. That being said, we elected to take Mike’s advice and head for the hill. 

The second bonus-fish… firstniceoneonboar_zpsaaefedfe Same fish with fella from Texas… fishofday_zpse1035423 After this, we scrubbed the boat real quick and headed that way with a cold beer in hand. What a day! It might have been 11:00 at this point. We had two folks on board that were up for poking around for another fish or two, but as a whole we were all fine with heading on in.
Iced fish about to get the slurry! 4310f6f8-f913-43fb-b270-1a277b886431_zps748d5c03 While out there we watched two or three fish miss live baits, but not once did we one bend a rod or peel line and miss. IMO, we went 7 for 7 with only two sharks. Fantastic!

Headed in… Ugly, boat, huh? tuna5_zps9ebe4428 Picture of ugly tackle with sun at about high noon… headedout_zpsfa93e534 Back at Cypress Cove… we couldn’t find a cart, so I sprayed the dock down for a few minutes and let them lay long enough for a picture with my wife. We could have done better here, but I was in a hurry to get some ice back on them before we made our way to the cleaning table. tuna4_zps302ee629 Again, no hand cart, so in the truck they went! Keep in mind, we had bed liner nice and cool and dumped plenty of ice on them. They stayed like this for no more than 5 minutes, and then we had them in a cart with ice all over them. tuna3_zps43713175 tuna2_zpsc1fe26eb One more look at them… haul_zps34cf02af If you ever go battle with 80+ pound tuna you have a few choices. 1. Learn proper form. 2. Don’t drink beer for two days prior in NOLA and marina. 3. Bring a guy like the one pictured below. Yeah, he did a lot of pumping and winding: oneofgoodones_zpsca0d8c0c Also got to see a 297 warsaw at the dock… or at least it’s carcass… 297poundatdock2_zps40ad4677 Since getting home we’ve been eating pretty well: dinner0_zps4efad61d Tuna, avocado BLT…. Start here…tunasandwich_zpsdcc79c38 Finish here… dinner2_zps2bfa498b A little poke. This… poke1_zpsc65141ad Into this… pokeserved_zps289eda79 With what’s left over you try to eat…poke3_zps06b2988f   Great stuff!

Can’t wait to get back! Hard to go wrong in South LA when you have great weather and a great captain. Read more:

Making Every Fish Count

The tuna fishing is pretty good. But it’s a quick bite and then it’s over. If you haven’t caught them by noon they are done for day. Capitalizing on all bites has been real important. The fish have been a mix of 30-100lb yellows and all eating live baits. So have the sharks so for a investment tip by stock in Seaguar Flurocarbon. The sharks have been Relentless and have been chewing up leaders just about as fast as I can tie them on. We did get a susprise wahoo on a livebait with a Trokar TK-5 9/0. Other than that it’s been all yellowfin 60-80 Fluro has been getting the bites and the 9/0 Trokar has been the hook of choice for the size livebaits we are using. relentless